GPA最新款马术头盔 Speed Air 4S redline 欧洲代购
- 品牌:GPA
- 颜色分类:黑色
- 头围:52cm53cm54cm55cm56cm57cm58cm59cm60cm61cm
Helmet Speed'Air 4 S fam
New Worlwide Safety Concept: REDLINE Collection
This new concept of helmet patented by GPA allows to absorb the shocks of successive and thus doubling your security.
What happens when struck on the helmet@
the point of impact is the centre of a shock wave that can cause damage.
Traditionally the helmets are composed of 2 layers, a rigid hull and a churchy EPS.
The REDLINE range is composed of 4 layers of materials.
The 4S with the sandwich overlay gives a Faculty of remarkable depreciation, as well as better resistance lateral compression.
1s: Outer shell designed to cushion a part of shock waves. Made of absorbent polymer and designed to deform under impact.
2s: This layer absorbs residues of the shock wave.
3S: It's main hull, reinforced by glass fiber, it provides rigidity and protection of box cranial.
4s: Churchy EPS coming to finish decelerating shock in crashing allowing do not transmit the pressure on the box cranial and minimizes the risk of head injury.
DESIGN Speed'Air 4s:
Maximum ventilation with 3 large vents at the front and 2 at the rear.
Anatomical red quilted leather chinstrap.
Outline of the EPS inner leather Red: aesthetics and durability. Chinrest leather.
Foam Interior, treated Sanitized and Coolmax, anti bacterial and breathable. Machine washable
The visor profiled in turbo effect channels the flow of air to the aerators and reduced the gain to the wind.
Material elastomer made to mitigate the risk of fracture of the nose, it is interchangeable.
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