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英文原版教父The Godfather外文正版小说 马里奥普佐 Mario Puzo.
- 语言:英文
- 进口书分类:文学/诗歌/戏剧
- 出版时间:1983年09月01日
- 页数:444
- 作者:Puzo,Mario
Product Details基本信息 | |
ISBN-13书号 | 9780451167712 |
Author作者 | Puzo, Mario |
Pages Number页数 | 444页 |
Publisher出版社 | Signet Book |
Publication Date出版日期 | 1983年09月01日 |
Product Dimensions商品尺寸 | 178 x 102x25cm |
Shipping Weight商品重量 | 336g |
Language语种 | 英文 |
马里奥·普佐的长篇小说《教父》在1969年出版后,评论家将这部作品誉为本世纪最佳小说之一。当时出版的新闻周刊(Newsweek)更是 将这部小说评价为“Big,Turbulent, Highly entertaining”(波澜壮阔,跌宕起伏,引人入胜
)。此后,根据小说改编的电影"教父三部曲"更是成为了美国电影的里程碑,人们说教父是美国文化必不可缺的一部分。这本三十周年纪念 版的《教父》将带您走进二战后美国的纽约,体验一场惊心动魄的罪与罚的旅程。这是一部关于家庭,忠诚的史诗,为荣誉而活的男人们在他 们的世界中按自己的法则生存,最终以自己的方式死亡。
Mario Puzo was born in New York and, following military service in World War II, attended New York's New School for Social Research and Columbia University. His bestselling novel The Godfather, (1969) was preceded by two critically acclaimed novels, The Dark Arena (1955) and The Fortunate Pilgrim (1965). In 1978, he published Fools Die, followed by The Sicilian (1984), The Fourth K (1990), and the second installment in his Mafia trilogy, The Last Don (1996), which became an international bestseller and the highest-rated TV miniseries of 1997.
The story of Don Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafiafamily, inspired some of the most successful movies ever. It is inMario Puzo's The Godfather that Corleone first appears. AsCorleone's desperate struggle to control the Mafia underworldunfolds, so does the story of his family. The novel is full ofexquisitely detailed characters who, despite leading unconventionallifestyles within a notorious crime family, experience the triumphsand failures of the human condition. Filled with the requisitevalor, love, and rancor of a great epic, The Godfather is thedefinitive gangster novel.
From Library Journal
Diehard Godfather fans play second banana to no other subculturein their obsession with the minutiae of Puzo's novel and Coppola'sfilms. These dedicated fans will be most disappointed by the newaudio version, although perhaps only an hour of material ismissing, but casual aficionados will barely notice the abridgment.Missing are the subplot involving Sonny's mistress, Lucy Mancini,and Dr. William Kennedy and the descriptions of the regional Mafiachieftains that precede the commission meeting at which DonCorleone flushes out Don Barzini as his number one rival. Actor JoeMantegna does a fine job throughout, largely resisting thetemptation to put on voices for too many of the characters.However, this cannot be said for his Don Corleone. Perhaps it isvengeance: after all, Andy Garcia, as the late Don's nephew,Vincent Mancini, put the hit on Mantegna's Joey Zasa in GodfatherIII, but whatever the reason, Mantegna gives Corleone a raspyfalsetto- imagine the Pillsbury Doughboy with a tracheotomy-thatranks as one of the worst Brando impressions ever. Also, Puzo'schilling ending in which Kay converts to Catholicism with the hopeof saving her husband's soul is inexplicably transformed into achamber-of-commerce-style bromide about the family's new life inNevada. Still, the popularity of Puzo's novel 27 years after itspublication makes this abridgment a must-have.
"A staggering triumph." -The Saturday Review
"Utter believability." -Los Angeles Times
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